I shipped out 44 slides to Hollie today that should arrive May 14.
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Apr 24-30, 2020 Sea lice methylome
Sample details 2 lice samples from 20190523 2 adult females Samples from 20191118 (in fridge in 209) 2 pools of adult sea lice from different populations from two different salmon farms different salinities? temperatures? *** need more info about both of sample groups; waiting to hear back from Cristian’s lab...
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Fri. Apr 24, 2020
Meth compare:
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Apr 15-16, 2020 DMCpG proximity for DMRs
In the methylpy DMRfind code, DMCpGs are collapsed into DMRs if any two are no more than 250bp apart. This is the default setting, but can be changed to any distance specified by the user with the –dmr_max_dist parameter.
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Fri. Apr 10, 2020 MethCompare
there are some inconsistency in the samples comping from different techniques(e.g RRBS shows more meth coverage than mbd for Mcap where we did not see that before we aligned reads
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