Geoduck gonad histology scoring: worked with Kaitlyn to figure out scoring for geoduck gonad histology we looked at Robert Marshall’s dissertation(he was in the Pearce lab at UBC), Grace’s geoduck gonad project, and Molly’s manuscript (from Brent) for some criteria on scoring . so far, Kaitlyn has recorded the data...
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Fri. Feb 15, 2019; Diploid and triploid global DNA methylation and crab RNA
Diploid and triploid global DNA methylation
I re-did the global DNA methylation triploid/diploid pilot analysis in R to compare the results to the data Ronit and I generated Wednesday Feb 6.
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Thur. Feb 14, 2019 Geoduck genome and oyster proteomics
Geoduck genome
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Wed. Feb 5, 2019, Oyster Seed Proteomics Uniprot and Network Mapping
remapping proteins sequences to 2019 Uniprot DB
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Wed. Jan 30, 2019
Geoduck Broodstock Experiment
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