Sea lice and Salmon data
Start full alignments using pre-determined settings on Mox
Created scripts:
Sea lice:
Started running @ 11:40am
takes about 4.5-5 hours/sample so alignments should be done in ~4-6 days including rest of analysis (we’ll see).
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Tues. Aug. 13, 2019 Pt. Whitney Juv. Geoduck resistance to stress plans
Here is a summary of new ideas for the ‘juvenile resistance to stress’ experiment following a discussion with Steven and Brent on Wed. Aug. 7:
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Mon. Aug. 12, 2019
bedtools makewindows -b v074/Pgenerosa_v074.mRNA.bed -n 10
did this: on ostrich
had to install ant (followed these directions)
BamQC results
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Fri. Aug. 9, 2019 Salmon and Sea lice new trim + alignments
I. Concatenate newly trimmed reads
These newly trimmed reads are from analysis started on 8/6; see notebook entry here):
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Thur. Aug. 8, 2019 Pt. Whitney
Juvenile check
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