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Thur. Oct 18, 2018

Global DNA methylation quantification of: Triploid and diploid C. gigas mantle tissue control and heat shocked Ronit’s samples C. gigas tripliod tissues from Nisbet Oyster Co. See Sam’s notebook entry for more info on origins Sea lice . See Sam’s notebook entry and Sam’s other notebook entry [Read More]

Tues. Oct 9, 2018

ASCA analysis with oyster proteomics temperature x time series dataset Goal: To determine if proteins drive difference between temperature groups over time we need to understand the model that ASCA creates from the data so we want to extract the loadings from the temperature factor ASCA and try to understand... [Read More]

Mon. Oct 1, 2018

My goals today Get Husky card Get bus pass Geoduck meeting @ 1:30p notes from meeting: How frequently to sample Why are animals limited to 80? because feeding of live algae is limiting benefits of live algae vs. paste paste better because doesn’t mess with pH and we can have... [Read More]