Experiment Set-up
labeled silos
Tote #2 = 2.1-2.12 back to front and right to left
Tote #3 = 3.1-3.12 back to front and right to left)](https://drive.google.com/open?id=
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Fri. Aug. 30, 2019 Pt. Whitney Juvenile Exp. Setup
Adding 1.5 year old juveniles to experiment
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Thur. Aug. 29, 2019 Sequim dig and Pt. Whitney Juvenile Exp. Setup
Sequim Dig
Kaitlyn and I took the 5:35am edmonds-kingston ferry to meet Liz and Steven at the Natural Resources Lab in Sequim Bay by 7:15am
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Tues. Aug. 27, 2019 Pt. Whitney Juv. Geoduck resistance to stress plans
Equipment brought to Pt. Whitney
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163th Post
Aug 26
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