Salmon and sea lice
- inventory, order supplies, and plan DNA extractions
Geoduck broodstock epigenomics
- post analysis
- check coverage
Geoduck broodstock molecular study to complement histology and other data
- calculate respirometry stuff
- calculate water chem stuff
- review SamG.’s samples
- consider hatchery samples
Oyster Proteomics
write notes from meeting with Steven and meeting with grace
Address what ‘normal’ development is:
- make GIF network or Shiny app
- networks need to be simpler (bubble plot)
- ** just total spectra under term vs considering number of proteins…am I already doing this?
Try changing heatmap - maybe include day 0 in the heatmap of selected proteins. Describe that day 0 was not included in stats to identify differences between temps because it was common. But it is included in the heatmap for a baseline proteome reference - order by days so temps are next to each other
- Compare data to development papers
- Papers:
- Share with grace
- Describe GO slims enriched relative to all the proteins in the genome
- get GO slims for uniprot mappings that have <= 10^-10 eval and see if GO slims of dev. proteomes are different
- Network figures
- post issue to decide if one is better than the other
Pteropods pH x DO
- update water chem; calculate pCO2 and aragonite sat.
- plot discrete and logger data imposed
- update survival analysis with Paul’s stat test8