Interview for The Scientist
Geoduck reproductive development
- Met with Brent and Grace about selecting tissue samples
- looked through Grace’s histology figs
- came up with this list of candidates
- need to locate hemolymph and corresponding gonad tissue
- this is Emma’s box
- Grace’s boxes are in rack 8, Column 1, rows 1 (Geoduck Tissue Samples + Hemolymph, 11/7/2014) and 3 (Geoduck Tissue Samples + Hemolymph, 1/2/2015, Grace Crandall)
Geoduck Hemolymph sampling #3
Initial picture of Star and Chewy
I sampled Star first, went in about halfway on the needle and had resistance when aspirating so pulled out a little then it started coming up. After withdrawing the needle, her siphon constricted a lot and then plumped back out a little. I returned her to her tank, then sampled from Chewy and got hemolymph right away. Noticed the same reflex after withdrawing the needle only less dramatic. By the time i returned Chewy to the tank, Star had plumped out more. I moved both to a tank with ~5mL shellfish diet at 2:45pm
Back in their flowthrough tank
Geoduck purchasing:
- 4.6L liquid nitrogen in Bagley
- 5 pumps from petco
- calcium assay (sam)
tested paint pens on shells
Judged GSS speaker session 3:30-5
Juvenile Geoduck OA RRBS data
- bismark finished!
- need to run rsync –archive –progress –verbose
- need to run methylkit