Pt. Whitney Geoduck broodstock experiment
- Troubleshoot offline Apex
- reset router by little reset button, nothing happened
- SOULUTION: hard reset router by unplugging power supply
- apex light went from orange to blue to orange; and reconnected to fusion
- need to set Apex to notify when Fusion connection is lost
- create conditional: if connection lost:
- switch off outlet 2_8 (outlet 8 on the EB832 Tank1_low) for 10 seconds
- switch outlet 2_8 back on
- another potential solution
- Set up electricity
- Apex now plugged in to UPS battery backup
- UPS backup plugged into upper right-side GFI behind wall apex is on)
- Connected 2 pumps in tanks 3 and 4
- surge protectors are mounted on wall above tank 1 and tank 3
- pumps in tank 1 and 2 are plugged into surge protector above tank 1
- pumps in tanks 3 and 4 are plugged into surge protector above tank 3
- surge protectors are plugged into extention cord that runs above tanks and silos and is plugged into outlet 6 in Apex 1 power block (outlet “EB_5”, 2_6)
- Recalibrated pH probe 3 with pH standards and placed it back in tank 3.
- Now it’s reading too low. Maybe replace this probe?
Reduced gas flow in tanks 1 and 2 by slightly dialing back black knobs
- Feeding is happening in all tanks twice/day.
- food has a high pH
- Matt could fix this
- Variability in inflow water temp can be improved. The head tank is on a recirculating chiller right now and incoming water may be fluctuating more because of this. An HVAC guy is coming to fix this.
Remaining setup
- Apex data download; still need to figure this out for remote access
- Rig probe holders (to ensure probes go back in correct tanks and not under the crates)
- Install hooks to hang pumps on when tanks are being cleaned?
- decide on treatment pH values. Should the ambient treatment have pH control (set at 8) to reduce variation?
- method for turning off CO2 during tank cleaning
- 10-30-2018 gas gauge
- 11-02-2018 gas gauge
- 10-30-2018 gas gauge
- number clams (didn’t get to this but have nail polish)
- Get square milk crates?
- connectors between venturi injector and gas lines are too large for tubing; exchange for smaller ones?
Water sampling
- following Sam’s protocol
- video of titrator initial setup
- ran titrator pH calibration 2x to get correct, 2nd time I used fresh pH 7.0 buffer
- ran CRMs with ‘CRM’ program, should have been ‘007’ program (not mentioned in titrator protocol)
- reran CRMs with ‘007’ program
- junk = 59.774g
- CRM1 = 59.9790g
- CRM2= 59.6699g
- CRM data
calibrating Orion (Thermo) pH probe: 1) click mode to get to pH mode 2) click cal 3) follow instructions (need DI water for rinsing)
- reading tris buffer: T27
- T = 20.04
- pH = 8.23
- salinity = 33.68, 33.59 PSU/51.58mS/cm/25.28ppt (DI water = 0.073psu, 20.19ppm)
- did not do calibration with tris samples at different temps. need to ask Sam about this protocol
- Sampling from tanks
- only sampled from tanks 1 and 2, because feedings were happening in 3 and 4 at the time
- filled up measuring cup
- got pH, temp, and salinity
- pH meter seems off after calibrating:
- pH didn’t match logger probes
- pH of standard pH 4.00 was reading at 3.0
- need Sam’s help with Tris calibration/methodology
- pH meter seems off after calibrating:
- pour into sample bottles
- wash/wipe probes between tanks
- filter from glass bottles into labeled titrator cups on scale (59-61g); didn’t do this, syringe filters (0.2um) are very hard to push water through
- ran samples on calibrated titrator