Are juveniles with more resistant to stress because their parents were conditioned with pH stress?

Read about transgenerational plasticity here:

Transgenerational plasticity = adaption or acclimation? interaction between the current generation and the previous generation’s environmental conditions. - * can’t distinguish between parental exposure and early cellular exposure…

Phenotypic plasticity = capacity to change phenotype (can be positive, negative, or neutral with regards to adaptive potential) - need to distinguish between: - developmental - reversible - transgenerational

Looking for phenotypic variance in offspring is just as important if not more than trying to identify a mean phenotype. Varied response may mean bet hedging strategy and some offspring are more likely to survive.

Periodic fluctuation may have very different effects on offspring than stochastic environmental change (noise). Frequency and timing make a difference

Life stage during exposure and duration of exposure of parents independently influence phenotypic plasticity of offspring

Animals that experience naturally high environmental variability may require a larger magnitude of environmental change before TGP can occur

Genetic selection can be ruled out by genotyping

Question 1: How well do juveniles tolerate stress? - respirometry during stress

Question 2: How well/fast do juveniles recover from stress? - respirometry before and after stress

  • When exposed to stress over time, do they survive better/grow more?
    • requires longer exposure